Sans iBook
It must have been a bad day for laptop users out there. I see Scott has finally decided to send his PowerBook in.
For me, last night our iBook stopped working (blank screen). Fortunately, after calling Apple today I found out that I qualify for their logic board replacement program. So they are overnighting a box to us, paying all shipment, and fixing it for free. Combine that with a well-designed machine that let’s me mount it as a hard drive and copy all my files off (even though it’s broken) before sending it out … and you have one satisfied customer even in the wake of a machine failure.
I’ll obviously be much happier once it’s back, but … Until then, be patient as I will be spending far less time online and checking email and such.
What if …
… all the Mac rumor sites are wrong? I’ve heard a bunch about possible deals between Motorola and Apple. Some people think that this collaboration means iTunes music on cell phones.
My hope takes into account another fact that no one seems to be noticing. The upcoming release of Apple’s new operating system, Tiger, will include a version of QuickTime that handles H.264/AVC.
What connection am I making here? Well, the new version of iChat AV in Tiger will utilize this technology for it’s audio and video transmissions. I’m guessing that instead of updating mobile phones to hold a meger 12 songs (what does that really accomplish?!) that Apple instead is integrating video chatting with mobile phone users. How hot would that be? You can phone someone’s iChat account and conduct a video chat with them while you’re at the store?