MacOS X Development
I am now among the ranks of MacOS X developers! I learned the basics of Objective-C and Cocoa this past weekend, and wrote my first application start to finish.
It’s an Alcohol Calculator, to help in my brewing calculations while making homebrew.
Things left to do:
- Trim percentage values to have 2 decimal places
- Localization support
- Custom application icon
- Once those things are complete, I’ll release it for download!
Citizen Kane
Today Julia and I decided that there weren’t many good movies out right now (that we hadn’t seen) so we needed to watch some “classics” we may have missed. We looked up a couple lists of movies, and made a quick page to track our progress.
Tonight, we started with Citzen Kane. I can definitely see why it’s high on many of the lists I found – terrific movie!
Baby Geek
For some time Madeline has been fascinated by daddy’s computer. Maybe it’s my fault for introducing her to the iBook while she was still in the hospital.
Now that she can sit up on her own, she loves playing with Baby Banger. Here’s a small video of her getting her geek time in.
I got my developer account on all set this morning. I don’t understand why that was so difficult, but the guys at VersionTracker were very good about responding to my emails promptly and getting things squared away. Thanks guys!
With that all set, I submitted my little app “Alcohol Calculator” this morning as freeware. It’s showing up on VersionTracker now and as of this writing I’ve already gotten 54 downloads.
I’ve made a quick-n-dirty page for any MacOS X software I write, which currently only contains the Alcohol Calculator. Go download it and give me feedback!