Updates soon
It’s been a while since I’ve undergone major updating of this site. Well, it’s time I actually did something, yes?
What I’m working on in the coming days (read: this weekend):
- Security System updates
- Blogrolls to remove excessive linkage from the left-side menu
- XFN compatibility in blogroll database and listing
- RPC Pinger to ping pingomatic.com.
- Trackbacking
- Basic Category implementation
- Comment Deletion
- Looking into comment moderation
Figuring out how to survive on lack of sleep, as all of this in two days will likely result in a 48 hour continual uptime with 100% processor load for my body/brain
On the upshot, I will be MUCH closer to getting this project to where I want it, in the grand scheme of things. Really, after I get all of this done, the administration pages redesigned (that’s a LOT of stuff to fit into the post/edit screens), all I’ll have left to do is enable multiple author support. Needless to say, I’ll archive this f***er after everything gets to where I want it, and re-open from scratch.
For those wondering about my side projects involving PHP?
Media Library, including:
- MP3 (artist/title/genre info) catalogging
- CD Database (Artist/Album/Tracks)
- Cyber Bookshelf (author, series, title)
As well as three sections for my personal writings (short stories/sudden fiction, novels/novells, and poetry). How do those sections involve php? The managing of the databasing schema for them.