I received an e-mail stating that my comments on this individual’s blog were disturbing to read; that – as such – they had… more »
As virtually everyone (USA-side) is aware of, the Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF) selling the yellow “Live Strong” wristbands. What many may not be… more »
Bookmarklets and Trackbacking
I have finally gotten around to adding bookmarklet support to the blog – which really wasn’t that hard. A bit of URL encoding… more »
Left-side links…
I’ve been told through IM, that I should give a few comments on some of the text links on my left sidebar. Okay,… more »
I just had to write a rejection letter. Interestingly enough, it was to a potential employer. In one day, I received two competing… more »
Camilogical, my friends…
Recently, I was digging around in my closet and found my old Veo Stingray webcam. After much haggling with Windows XP, USB drivers,… more »
Information Superhighway, Infobaun, and other various sundries
For those of you who routinely tune into my audio stream, my apologies for today. My cablemodem died sometime around 4:00am, central, last… more »
Does it make sense to add an addddddd?
So I went and researched a lot about Google Adsense, and figured I’d go ahead and include it. “HEY! I thought you HATED… more »
Links added
Recently, I’ve added a few links to the sidebar. Blog Houston is a group of bloggers who make posts dealing with politics in… more »
Updates soon
It’s been a while since I’ve undergone major updating of this site. Well, it’s time I actually did something, yes? What I’m working… more »